Since they landed in Chittur from Chennai, the four of us have been inseparable. We spend all our waking moments together and even go to sleep together. It's the most amazing summer! I love them and can't wait to visit them in Seattle one day soon!
Ashwin is a 12-year old tall boy. He is a total basketball addict. He is a great friend to me. It is nice to play with him becuase we share many intrests. He is a great sporter, but his fave is B-ball. He follows NBA so well he may even match to my friend Joshua, the human sport-cyclopedia. He is a great person, and is way kinder and noble than me. As a good cousin, he always consoles me in my temper fits. But, instead of talking as cousins, we talk as friends. Another quality is he is super smart. He is already learning calculus. He's actually in 6th grade. So, as friend-cuzzes we will always stay together. Me and him are a lot alike (though he looks better). From now we'll stay in touch. Our motto: Basketball and Pizza!!
Akshya is a bubbly baby of 7 years. She is SOOOO cute. She is Ashwin's younger sister. She has two bouncy braids which, as she says, tickles my face. She has a lot of energy and she has a lot of innocence (which is very deceiving). She gets away with everything. Sometimes she is super stubborn. She stands her ground like an angry elephant. She can win an argument no matter what. She calls herself "thoughtful." She also refers to herself as a good girl (Not true. She's very naughty). And just like her brother she calls herself smart. She commends herself on knowing 2X2 multiplication. She and me could also go a long way together in the path of temper. But, as always, her bubbliness prevails. She will one day become queen of the world.
Ashwin is a 12-year old tall boy. He is a total basketball addict. He is a great friend to me. It is nice to play with him becuase we share many intrests. He is a great sporter, but his fave is B-ball. He follows NBA so well he may even match to my friend Joshua, the human sport-cyclopedia. He is a great person, and is way kinder and noble than me. As a good cousin, he always consoles me in my temper fits. But, instead of talking as cousins, we talk as friends. Another quality is he is super smart. He is already learning calculus. He's actually in 6th grade. So, as friend-cuzzes we will always stay together. Me and him are a lot alike (though he looks better). From now we'll stay in touch. Our motto: Basketball and Pizza!!
Akshya is a bubbly baby of 7 years. She is SOOOO cute. She is Ashwin's younger sister. She has two bouncy braids which, as she says, tickles my face. She has a lot of energy and she has a lot of innocence (which is very deceiving). She gets away with everything. Sometimes she is super stubborn. She stands her ground like an angry elephant. She can win an argument no matter what. She calls herself "thoughtful." She also refers to herself as a good girl (Not true. She's very naughty). And just like her brother she calls herself smart. She commends herself on knowing 2X2 multiplication. She and me could also go a long way together in the path of temper. But, as always, her bubbliness prevails. She will one day become queen of the world.